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In summer 2021, we presented SMUSH: an all queer variety show, featuring some of Saskatoon’s top emerging 2SLGTBQIA+ talent.
Hosted by Holly M. Brinkman of Fringe favourites “Pack Animals”, the show “smushes” together burlesque, drag, comedy, music, spoken word and theatre into one queer extravaganza.
Featuring performances by Youth Poet Laureate, Peace Akintade, drag artist Berlin Waltz, comedian Dakota Ray Hebert, musician Essa Jean Bear, indie-artist Micah Jane, as well as special guests from the theatre & queer communities.
SMUSH: a cabaret is a celebration of queer art, queer bodies and queer experiences.
The show was presented at the 2021
Saskatoon Fringe’s new Outdoor Stage in W.E. Graham Park behind Victoria School.

Hosted by Holly M. Brinkman
Featuring performances by:
Amanda Trapp
Berlin Waltz
Dakota Ray Hebert
Erin Brophy
KP Dennis
Kristel Harder
Maxwell Folk
Micah Jane
Monsieur Mistress
Peace Akintade
& S.E. Grummett
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